OCP for Controlling & Monitoring of Noise

1.PURPOSE: To control the generation of noise

2. SCOPE: This work instruction is applicable to all departments

3.0 RESPONSIBILITY:  Departmental HOD


  1. Conduct a survey to know noise generating areas/machines/ Operations.
  2. Analyze Survey report and prepare an action plan to reduce noise level wherever possible.
  3. Take necessary measures as per the action plan to reduce the noise level.
  4. Review the action plan for the effectiveness of the actions taken.
  5. Controlling the noise at the source, through a process of elimination or engineering measures, can be done in a variety of ways and is often easier in the long term than a personal protective equipment program.  Rethinking how a task can be done can greatly reduce the amount of noise it generates.  For example, bending a strip of metal using a hammer generates a great deal of noise; changing techniques to bending it with a vice and pair of pliers is a much quieter alternative.
  6. Some effective and practical methods for reducing the amount of noise employees are exposed to include:
    • installing springs and rubber strips to reducing the amount of vibration and resonance of the equipment;
    • enclosing noisy equipment with noise absorbing/reflecting material;
    • moving the source of noise away from where people work; and
    • purchasing quieter equipment.
    • Additionally, well-serviced equipment is often quieter, so ensuring that equipment is in good working order will reduce noise exposure.
  7. Administration controls, while not as good as eliminating noise at the source, are also effective ways of reducing noise exposure. They include:
    • training;
    • signage;
    • limiting duration of exposure via work rotations; and
    • having ‘no-go’ areas.
  8. Personal protective equipment can be used if all other controls do not reduce the noise levels to an acceptable level. The appropriate level of hearing protection to be used must correspond with the level of noise exposure.


Noise monitoring records

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